Madhawa Learns To Blog

.net, c#, sql, OOAD and more mad memory dumps...

Monday, November 14, 2005


well... there is a thread going on at .net forum. About Hacking & Cracking. Actually not exactly abt Hacking & Cracking but abt discussing things related to Hacking & Cracking at the forum.

I also shared my view on that putting the guy who tried to criticize cracking, into the ground. But I don’t feel comfortable as lot of folks is still using pirated software’s including me. Specially students.

How I forget the knowledge & advantages we gained because of those crackers and there pirated softwares. So where I would be now if they didn’t exist?....................
Where Sri Lankan IT industry would be now if they didn’t exist?....................


At 7:37 PM , Blogger Mahasen said...

Well, 10 years back we had no other option than to use pirated software... personally I didn't knew such thing exists till late 90s. I admit I used pirated software till last year.
I also admit that if not for pirated software I wouldn't be who I am today.
But at some point of time when you realize what you are doing is wrong.. You have to stop doing it even if it's not to best of your advantage. Do you think that Prabhakaran (the leader of LTTE) doesn't know that what he does is wrong? So if I didn’t make the right choice the only difference between him and me would be the magnitude of the crime.
About the future IT generation of the 3rd world country in general, I believe they may have to make use of the free and open source software. Even though I’m not a huge fan of Linux, Linux FreeBSD etc. are quite good for learning purposes. Many of you may agree with me if I say VB corrupted many programmers… while VB is a wonderful tool for quick application development purposes, it’s not the best language for beginners. Languages like C++ are the best languages to learn as a beginner. So for new comers to the field, I strongly believe FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) are the answer.

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Madhawa said...

Well… Nice to hear that you also think we got sth from pirated softwares to become who we are today.

I think you can’t forget days that we used to buy cd’s for just 80/= and play around with. Those days still continues with beginners who are like what we were in the past. As we all did, one day they also will be matured into professionals and will use licensed softwares. So ultimately Microsoft will get their fair share.

Actually I think because of those pirated softwares Microsoft is getting more advantage of shedding their softwares.

Well if beginners use FOSS what will happen? I think that may drives to produce more Microsoft hating FOSS developers. Then what will happen is there will be more peoples everywhere who saying that we are misguided fools.

I’m not saying pirated software have to be legalized. I know it’s wrong. But banning it and encouraging people to use FOSS will make things more badly.


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